Hey Guys,
So I am a finishing up Med 1 (1st semester) at MUA, and this website was both useful and crucial to me for making my decision for medical school so I figure I will share my experience because every little helps when it comes to choosing Caribbean School. Just to give you insight about myself, I am from New Jersey and I graduated from Rutgers University with a Dual Degree in Psychology and Biology in 2013, then I decided to work for a year at an internet security software company until I received admission into Medical School. I actually did the pre-med program here which is 8 months and although I regretted it at first, it turned out to be a great decision because it laid out a great foundation for anatomy, biochem, physio, molecular bio, medical terminology, and even some pathology. Anyone who did the Pre-Medical program here will tell you the same, but the ones who start Med 1 are more than qualified to jump right into the program. A lot has changed since I started here and I want to to give all incoming and prospective students some insight by listing the Pros and Cons of MUA currently.
Pros: Small class sizes for focused learning, Beautiful Island but not much to do so you can focus on studying (Unlike Antigua where distractions are unlimited), New York and Florida Accreditation (Most Caribbean medical schools don't have this accreditation and this was certainly one of the biggest factors when I made the decision to come here), low tuition Cost, William D. Ford federal loan approved (this happened recently which is huge!!!!!), Students look out for each other, Most the professors are very smart, Development of good self study habits, Considered one of the better Caribbean schools in the area, Multiple locations for clinical rotations (its just not revealed on the website to limit competition from other schools), they wont let you take the Step-1 until your absolutely ready, School buildings have recently been renovated
Cons: Not much to do on the Island, Food options limited, Adjustment in the beginning is tough, Some of the professors are hard to understand because most are Indian, Library is a little antiquated
I can tell you this, I am very happy with my decision, I am working harder then I ever have before and I enjoy what I am learning. You are not a number here, so don't think you can disappear and noone will notice. All the students here look out for each other, no girls walk alone at night without a small group with them. There is overnight security constantly monitoring the study rooms for late night studying. Time flies on the Island so each semester goes by quickly. If you have any questions ,post on the thread and I have no problem providing some insight.
So I am a finishing up Med 1 (1st semester) at MUA, and this website was both useful and crucial to me for making my decision for medical school so I figure I will share my experience because every little helps when it comes to choosing Caribbean School. Just to give you insight about myself, I am from New Jersey and I graduated from Rutgers University with a Dual Degree in Psychology and Biology in 2013, then I decided to work for a year at an internet security software company until I received admission into Medical School. I actually did the pre-med program here which is 8 months and although I regretted it at first, it turned out to be a great decision because it laid out a great foundation for anatomy, biochem, physio, molecular bio, medical terminology, and even some pathology. Anyone who did the Pre-Medical program here will tell you the same, but the ones who start Med 1 are more than qualified to jump right into the program. A lot has changed since I started here and I want to to give all incoming and prospective students some insight by listing the Pros and Cons of MUA currently.
Pros: Small class sizes for focused learning, Beautiful Island but not much to do so you can focus on studying (Unlike Antigua where distractions are unlimited), New York and Florida Accreditation (Most Caribbean medical schools don't have this accreditation and this was certainly one of the biggest factors when I made the decision to come here), low tuition Cost, William D. Ford federal loan approved (this happened recently which is huge!!!!!), Students look out for each other, Most the professors are very smart, Development of good self study habits, Considered one of the better Caribbean schools in the area, Multiple locations for clinical rotations (its just not revealed on the website to limit competition from other schools), they wont let you take the Step-1 until your absolutely ready, School buildings have recently been renovated
Cons: Not much to do on the Island, Food options limited, Adjustment in the beginning is tough, Some of the professors are hard to understand because most are Indian, Library is a little antiquated
I can tell you this, I am very happy with my decision, I am working harder then I ever have before and I enjoy what I am learning. You are not a number here, so don't think you can disappear and noone will notice. All the students here look out for each other, no girls walk alone at night without a small group with them. There is overnight security constantly monitoring the study rooms for late night studying. Time flies on the Island so each semester goes by quickly. If you have any questions ,post on the thread and I have no problem providing some insight.